Michael Sexson wants us to make our own discoveries.
-The Magus = The Game (based on the novel)
-Fic [to make up] ---> fiction ----> sacra [sacred]
Minotaurs mom, Pasiphae saw a beautiful white bull, made cow suit and mated with cow.
Created Minotaur, half bull/half man, put into labyrinth. Male/female virgins were sacrificed as food.
Shortage of virgins = call for hero.
Theseus goes to kill minotaur with help from Ariadne to get into labyrinth.
Leaves her on island, rescued by Dionysus.
[Bozo is Oz]
Dionysus - god of illusions/function to dissemble any structure of order.
Sibyl - knew many things (ancient oracle)
"I've got miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."
"May your dreams come true"
*draw a spiral w/ 9 turns on a dancing ground w/ her in the middle. HMMMmm..
4 creation stories:
4) God creates by his voice - biblical.
3) Goddess body
2) Female - Snake (shed skin, live eternally)
1) Female (alone)
Tuesday - break into groups. COME TO CLASS!

One of our homework assignments was to have a dream and blog about it. Unfortunately, each one of my classes decided to bombard me with school work.. so minimal sleep means minimal dreams. I do not remember having any dreams this past weekend, but I did read over Junipers dream about kicking some metal spiders ashes with AK's in a post apocalyptic world. I just have to ask, what were you on that night? This dream sounded pretty intense, I liked that you recognized you were in a post apocalyptic world and yet you still managed to stop by your relatives place to say goodbye. I don't usually break down dreams but perhaps that showed some deeper emotion that you don't want to leave this world as you know it without having some sort of closure with your loved ones. I also enjoyed the fact that her aunt and uncle forked over some extra clips of ammunition. Kinda shows that even when you are proceeding on a difficult task, your family will always be there to help you along your way. Juniper felt that she woke up in the middle of her dream, but with comforting messages like these, maybe that was all the dream that she needed.
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